first person - Español Inglés Diccionario

first person


Significados de "first person" en diccionario español inglés : 2 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
first person primera persona
first person primera persona [f]

Significados de "first person" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
first person (plural) having dinner cenamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of comenzar comienzo [m]
first-person singular present indicative of callar callo [m]
first-person singular present subjunctive of haber haya [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of pedir pida [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of notar notaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of presentar presentaba [v]
first-person plural imperfect indicative of hallar hallábamos [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of finir fina [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of constituir constituía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of descansar descansaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of clavar clavaba [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of salir salgamos [v]
first-person plural present indicative of decidir decidimos [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of acabar acabara [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of encontrar encontrara [v]
first-person singular present indicative of pretender pretendo [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of significar significaría [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of reservar reservaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of encerrar encerraba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of admirar admiraba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of responder respondía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of auxiliar auxilio [v]
first-person singular present indicative of fracasar fracaso [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of producir produjera [v]
first-person singular present indicative of desembarcar desembarco [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of ambientar ambiente [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of romper rompía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of lechar lecho [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of alcanzar alcancé [v]
first-person singular present indicative of turnar turno [v]
first-person singular present indicative of votar voto [v]
first-person singular present indicative of creer creo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of aparecer aparecía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of tallar tallo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of encargar encargaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of declarar declaro [v]
first-person singular present indicative of enredar enredo [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of sentir sentiría [v]
first-person plural imperative of ir vayamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of esposar esposo [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of enterar enterase [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of surgir surgía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of conocer conozca [v]
first-person singular future indicative of buscar buscaré [v]
first-person singular present indicative of pelar pelo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of parecer parezco [v]
first-person singular present indicative of maridar marido [v]
first-person singular imperfect subj of caer cayera [v]
first-person singular present indicative of caer caigo [v]
first-person plural future indicative of poner pondremos [v]
first-person plural preterit indicative of esperar esperamos [v]
first-person plural preterit indicative of desear deseamos [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of hallar halle [v]
first-person singular present indicative of forrar forro [v]
first-person singular present indicative of comprar compro [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of desagradar desagradaba [v]
first-person plural present indicative of casar casamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of externar externo [v] MX HN SV
first-person singular imperfect indicative of nacer nacía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of sonreír sonreía [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of intentar intentara [v]
first-person singular present indicative of principiar principio [v]
first-person singular present indicative of atrasar atraso [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of colgar colgaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of estudiar estudio [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of andar anduve [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of acusar acusaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of perdonar perdono [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of enjambrar enjambre [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of velar velaba [v]
first-person singular future indicative of olvidar olvidaré [v]
first-person singular present indicative of velar velo [v]
first-person plural present indicative of ver vemos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of concretar concreto [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of casar case [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of romanzar romance [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of equivaler equivalía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of dormir duerma [v]
first-person singular future indicative of pagar pagaré [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of tomar tomara [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of significar significaba [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of caer caería [v]
first-person singular present indicative of aletear aleteo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of reunir reunía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of barrer barro [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of inquietar inquietaba [v]
first-person plural present indicative of sentar sentamos [v]
first-person plural present indicative of echar echamos [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of aceitar aceite [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of ocurrir ocurriría [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of proyectar proyectaba [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of deber debería [v]
first-person singular present indicative of decir digo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of oscurecer oscurecía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of albergar albergue [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of hablar hablé [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of terminar termine [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of rodar rodaba [v]
first-person singular future indicative of ser seré [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of regresar regresé [v]
first-person singular present indicative of desperdiciar desperdicio [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of aceptar acepte [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of estar estuvimos [v]
first-person plural present indicative of caminar caminamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of diseñar diseño [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of medir medía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of adelantar adelantaba [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of ser fui [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of formar formaba [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of tender tendí [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of tomar tome [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of correr corra [v]
first-person singular present indicative of manifestar manifiesto [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of tener tuvimos [v]
first-person singular imperfect subj of poner pusiera [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of saber sepa [v]
first-person singular present indicative of arrestar arresto [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of dirigir dirigí [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of abrigar abrigaba [v]
first-person singular future subj of ser fuere [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of marchar marché [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of gobernar gobernaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of aguardar aguardaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of elogiar elogio [v]
first-person singular present indicative of perder pierdo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of asegurar aseguro [v]
first-person singular imperfect subj of salir saliese [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of escribir escribí [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of proteger protegía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of conseguir consiga [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of servir serviría [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of desear deseara [v]
first-person singular present indicative of encontrar encuentro [v]
first-person singular present indicative of engañar engaño [v]
first-person singular present indicative of rasgar rasgo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of frenar freno [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of latir latía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of cambiar cambiaba [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of lanzar lance [v]
first-person singular present indicative of desengañar desengaño [v]
first-person plural present indicative of oír oímos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of volar volaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of realizar realizaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of festejar festejo [v]
first-person singular future indicative of llegar llegaré [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of escapar escapaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of pretender pretendía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of disimular disimulaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of resistir resistía [v]
first-person plural imperfect subjunctive of haber hubiéramos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of anchar ancho [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of coser cosa [v]
first-person singular present indicative of agraviar agravio [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of amenazar amenazaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of morir muriera [v]
first-person singular present indicative of presagiar presagio [v]
first-person singular present indicative of atentar atento [v]
first-person singular present indicative of murar muro [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of azotar azotaba [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of volver volvería [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of imaginar imaginé [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of dudar dudé [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of conseguir conseguiría [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of reñir riña [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of morir moría [v]
first-person plural imperfect indicative of ver veíamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of reforzar refuerzo [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of querer quiera [v]
first-person plural future indicative of salir saldremos [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of decir digamos [v]
first-person singular future indicative of hacer haré [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of abrir abriera [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of equivocar equivocaba [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of salir salga [v]
first-person plural future indicative of ir iremos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of prestar prestaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of iluminar iluminaba [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of caer caí [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of palpitar palpitaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of apreciar apreciaba [v]
first-person plural preterit indicative of tratar tratamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of dibujar dibujo [v]
first-person plural imperfect indicative of llevar llevábamos [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of observar observé [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of ajustar ajuste [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of dividir dividía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of deportar deporte [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of templar temple [v]
first-person singular present indicative of entender entiendo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of objetar objeto [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of seguir siga [v]
first-person singular present indicative of cercar cerco [v]
first-person singular present indicative of respetar respeto [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of arder ardía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of devorar devoraba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of bordar bordo [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of merecer merezca [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of cortar cortaba [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of valer valga [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of abrazar abrazaba [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of aparentar aparente [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of aceptar acepté [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of existir existiera [v]
first-person singular imperfect subj of hacer hiciera [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of estrechar estrechaba [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of terminar terminé [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of lechar leche [v]
first-person singular future indicative of esperar esperaré [v]
first-person singular present indicative of mudar mudo [v]
first-person plural present indicative of mirar miramos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of espesar espeso [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of balancear balanceaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of propiciar propicio [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of pedir pediría [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of casar casaría [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of faltar falte [v]
first-person singular future indicative of llevar llevaré [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of jurar juraba [v]
first-person plural imperative of dejar dejemos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of acudir acudía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of hacer hacía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of ascender ascendía [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of rogar rogué [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of vivir vivía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of beber bebía [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of seguir seguí [v]
first-person singular present indicative of raptar rapto [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of casar casara [v]
first-person singular present indicative of pavimentar pavimento [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of apagar apagaba [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of perder perdería [v]
first-person singular present indicative of conocer conozco [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of detener detuvimos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of afectar afecto [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of tratar tratara [v]
first-person singular present indicative of concursar concurso [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of deformar deforme [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of blandir blanda [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of opinar opinaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of llegar llegase [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of quitar quité [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of admitir admitía [v]
first-person plural present indicative of salir salimos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of regar riego [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of comer comía [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of comprar compré [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of dar demos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of llevar llevo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of proponer proponía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of ocurrir ocurra [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of piar píe [v]
first-person singular present indicative of tener tengo [v]
first-person plural imperative of llegar lleguemos [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of mirar mire [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of comenzar comenzaba [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of deber deba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of ahogar ahogaba [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of experimentar experimenté [v]
first-person plural present indicative of tratar tratamos [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of ofrecer ofrecí [v]
first-person plural preterit indicative of caminar caminamos [v]
first-person plural imperfect indicative of encontrar encontrábamos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of ofrecer ofrecía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of desaparecer desaparecía [v]
first-person plural present indicative of servir servimos [v]
first-person singular future indicative of matar mataré [v]
first-person singular present indicative of salir salgo [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of guardar guarde [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of enseñar enseñaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of aumentar aumentaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of entusiasmar entusiasmo [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of llegar llegamos [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of sedar sede [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of aparecer apareciera [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of hablar hablase [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of requerir requería [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of pensar pensaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of morir muero [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of murmurar murmuraba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of trastornar trastorno [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of dar daría [v]
first-person plural present indicative of hallar hallamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of ahorrar ahorro [v]
first-person plural present indicative of lograr logramos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of molestar molestaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of conocer conociese [v]
first-person plural present indicative of estar estamos [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of alcanzar alcance [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of sospechar sospechaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of concluir concluía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of aceptar acepto [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of deber debí [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of amar amamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of beneficiar beneficio [v]
first-person singular present indicative of recibir recibo [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of considerar considere [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of hablar hablaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of regalar regalo [v]
first-person plural imperfect indicative of tener teníamos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of complacer complacía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of adelantar adelante [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of buscar buscamos [v]
first-person singular present of enterar entero [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of avanzar avanzaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of extrañar extrañaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of halagar halagaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of andar ando [v]
first-person singular present indicative of bloquear bloqueo [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of llegar llegue [v]
first-person singular present indicative of asombrar asombro [v]
first-person singular future indicative of hablar hablaré [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of retirar retiraba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of marchitar marchito [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of producir produciría [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of saludar saludaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of separar separaba [v]
first-person singular future indicative of enseñar enseñaré [v]
first-person singular present indicative of disparar disparo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of provenir provenía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of marcar marcaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of adivinar adivino [v]
first-person singular present indicative of despojar despojo [v]
first-person singular future indicative of salir saldré [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of resbalar resbalaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of bastar bastaba [v]
first-person plural future indicative of dejar dejaremos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of gemir gemía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of portar porte [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of ordenar ordené [v]
first-person plural imperative of decir digamos [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of seguir seguimos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of alzar alzaba [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of cruzar cruce [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of alegrar alegraba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of provocar provocaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of decretar decreto [v]
first-person singular present indicative of negar niego [v]
first-person singular present indicative of cortejar cortejo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of restar restaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of besar beso [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of presentar presenté [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of encontrar encontremos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of susurrar susurro [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of reinar reinaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of retorcer retorcía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of signar signo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of equivocar equivoco [v]
first-person singular present indicative of tardar tardo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of acertar acertaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of arrebatar arrebato [v]
first-person singular present indicative of asaltar asalto [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of convertir convertiría [v]
first-person plural preterit indicative of subir subimos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of despedir despedía [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of notar noté [v]
first-person singular present indicative of saltar salto [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of avanzar avance [v]
first-person singular present indicative of despachar despacho [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of decir diría [v]
first-person singular present indicative of aborrecer aborrezco [v]
first-person singular present indicative of helar hielo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of carecer carecía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of respirar respiro [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of disponer dispuse [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of acompañar acompañe [v]
first-person plural present indicative of desear deseamos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of devolver devolvía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of decidir decidía [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of volver volvamos [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of comprender comprendí [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of perder perdía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of permitir permitía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of recibir reciba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of soñar sueño [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of acabar acabaría [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of salvar salve [v]
first-person singular present indicative of consolar consuelo [v]
first-person singular future indicative of venir vendré [v]
first-person singular present indicative of largar largo [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of sentir sentí [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of obtener obtenía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of coger coja [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of permanecer permanecía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of repartir reparto [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of llevar llevaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of impactar impacto [v]
first-person plural preterit indicative of casar casamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of acerar acero [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of tragar tragaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of indicar indicaba [v]
first-person plural present indicative of saber sabemos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of disminuir disminuía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of escuchar escuche [v]
first-person plural imperfect indicative of ir íbamos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of atraer atraía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of alcanzar alcanzaba [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of mover mueva [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of chillar chillaba [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of beber bebí [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of llevar lleve [v]
first-person singular imperfect subj of ver viera [v]
first-person singular present indicative of acercar acerco [v]
first-person singular present indicative of lamentar lamento [v]
first-person singular present indicative of sorber sorbo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of comprender comprendía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of restar resto [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of golpear golpeaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of puntar punto [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of encantar encantaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of guiar guiaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of necesitar necesitaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of divertir divertía [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of apartar aparté [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of revelar revelaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of exigir exigía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of jugar jugaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of colmar colmo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of animar animaba [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of ver vimos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of bombardear bombardeo [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of querer querría [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of mirar miré [v]
first-person singular present indicative of procesar proceso [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of querer quisiese [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of examinar examinaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of quedar quedaba [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of pensar pensaría [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of merecer merecía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of frotar frotaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of invadir invadía [v]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of parecer pareciera [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of hallar hallaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of resollar resuello [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of crear creaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of bastar basto [v]
first-person singular present indicative of rayar rayo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of palmar palmo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of desayunar desayuno [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of necesitar necesitaría [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of desfilar desfile [v]
first-person singular indicative of tornar torno [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of divisar divisaba [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of pedir pedí [v]
first-person singular present indicative of descansar descanso [v]
first-person singular present indicative of mirar miro [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of descubrir descubrí [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of llamar llame [v]
first-person singular present indicative of adorar adoro [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of persistir persistía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of fijar fijaba [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of besar besé [v]
first-person singular conditional indicative of morir moriría [v]
first-person singular imperfect subj of ser fuese [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of desgastar desgaste [v]
first-person singular present indicative of salvar salvo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of mover muevo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of tornar tornaba [v]
first-person plural preterit indicative of abrir abrimos [v]
first-person plural imperative of volver volvamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of polir polo [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of morir muera [v]
first-person singular present indicative of aliviar alivio [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of aprender aprendí [v]
first-person singular present indicative of arrepentirse me arrepiento [v]
first-person plural present indicative of acercar acercamos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of preguntar preguntaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of invitar invitaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of confesar confieso [v]
first-person singular present indicative of matar mato [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of tardar tardé [v]
first-person singular preterit indicative of fijar fijé [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of salir salía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of gritar gritaba [v]
first-person singular conditional conditional of sacar sacaría [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of irritar irritaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of estar estaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of prometer prometo [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of tocar toqué [v]
first-person singular present indicative of halagar halago [v]
first-person singular present indicative of rezar rezo [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of cobrar cobraba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of llegar llego [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of presentir presentía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of pisar pisaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of reír reía [v]
first-person singular present indicative of alimentar alimento [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of olvidar olvide [v]
first-person plural preterite indicative of encontrar encontramos [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of funcionar funcionaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of pertenecer pertenecía [v]
first-person singular preterite indicative of atrever atreví [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of prender prenda [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of atravesar atravesaba [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of mentir mentía [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of agitar agitaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of pensar pienso [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of alargar alargaba [v]
first-person singular present indicative of compadecer compadezco [v]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of ostentar ostentaba [v]